Last month, we asked our readers two questions. Here are their responses.

What’s your craziest, most ambitious New Year’s goal? 

“To become the “Egg and Cheese Expert,” taste-testing sandwiches from across NYC, identifying the pinnacle of Egg and Cheese perfection.” —Julia Weissman (11th grade)

“Finish writing my novel.” —Anonymous

If you were given a million dollars today, what would you do with it?

“Invest. Invest. Invest, then donate half of it.” —Anonymous

“When the idea of a million dollars crosses your mind, thoughts often revolve around acquiring possessions and fulfilling desires. Yet, what if you find enjoyment in life without material wants? Things like love, loyalty, and happiness are priceless and beyond the reach of money. If I were to possess a million dollars, I would gladly share it with someone who believes that a green dollar bill holds the key to feeling valued. In the grand scheme, we enter this world with nothing, departing similarly.” —Anonymous

Thank you for these wonderful responses! Keep an eye out for the February prompts!
